1. Convert a pdf into csv

pdf data:

Candidate Choice    Absentee Mail   Early Voting    Election Day    Total Votes
TODD RUSS   7,021   8,194   135,216   150,431
CLARK JOLLEY    7,012   5,835   107,714   120,561

Regular expression to find the double spaces and change them to commas:

# find the double spaces

# replace the double spaces with a comma space

.csv file:

Candidate Choice, Absentee Mail, Early Voting, Election Day, Total Votes
TODD RUSS, 7,021, 8,194, 135,216, 150,431
CLARK JOLLEY, 7,012, 5,835, 107,714, 120,561

2. Reformat the class roster

class roster:

Adamic, Emily M.    ema3896@utulsa.edu
Bierbaum, Emily L.  elb0588@utulsa.edu
Cartmell, Laci J.   ljc454@utulsa.edu
Delaporte, Elise    eld0070@utulsa.edu
Hansen, Rebekah E.  reh9623@utulsa.edu
Herrboldt, Madison A.   mah1626@utulsa.edu
Lewis, Cari D.  cdl5261@utulsa.edu
Mierow, Tanner T.   ttm5619@utulsa.edu
Naranjo, Daniel S.  dsn8679@utulsa.edu
Paslay, Caleb   cap1050@utulsa.edu
Pletcher, Olivia M. omp9336@utulsa.edu
West, Amy C.    acw1471@utulsa.edu

Regular expression to reformat as: Firstname Lastname (Email)

# (first name)+(comma space)+(last name)+(space middle initial period space)+(email)

# first name last name (email)
\1 \3 (\5)

Reformatted class roster:

Adamic Emily (ema3896@utulsa.edu)
Bierbaum Emily (elb0588@utulsa.edu)
Cartmell Laci (ljc454@utulsa.edu)
Delaporte Elise (eld0070@utulsa.edu)
Hansen Rebekah (reh9623@utulsa.edu)
Herrboldt Madison (mah1626@utulsa.edu)
Lewis Cari (cdl5261@utulsa.edu)
Mierow Tanner (ttm5619@utulsa.edu)
Naranjo Daniel (dsn8679@utulsa.edu)
Paslay Caleb (cap1050@utulsa.edu)
Pletcher Olivia (omp9336@utulsa.edu)
West Amy (acw1471@utulsa.edu)

3. Remove the genus and species names from a dataset


Banded sculpin, Cottus carolinae, 5
Redspot chub, Nocomis asper, 5
Northern hog sucker, Hypentelium nigricans, 6
Creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus, 8
Stippled darter, Etheostoma punctulatum, 9
Smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, 10
Logperch, Percina caprodes, 13
Slender madtom, Noturus exilis, 14

Regular expression to remove genus and species:

# (common name)+comma space+(genus species)+comma space+(number)

# common name, number
\1, \3

New dataset:

Banded sculpin, 5
Redspot chub, 5
Northern hog sucker, 6
Creek chub, 8
Stippled darter, 9
Smallmouth bass, 10
Logperch, 13
Slender madtom, 14

4. Reformat the dataset as Common Name, G_species, Number

Regular expression:

# (common name)+comma space+(G)enus+one or more spaces(species)+comma space+(number)

# common name, G_species, number
\1, \2_\3, \4

Reformatted dataset:

Banded sculpin, C_carolinae, 5
Redspot chub, N_asper, 5
Northern hog sucker, H_nigricans, 6
Creek chub, S_atromaculatus, 8
Stippled darter, E_punctulatum, 9
Smallmouth bass, M_dolomieu, 10
Logperch, P_caprodes, 13
Slender madtom, N_exilis, 14

5. Abbreviate the genus and species as G_spe.

Regular expression:

# (common name)+comma space+(G)enus+one or more spaces(spe)cies+comma space+(number)

# common name, G_spe., number
\1, \2_\3., \4

Reformatted Genus and species:

Banded sculpin, C_car., 5
Redspot chub, N_asp., 5
Northern hog sucker, H_nig., 6
Creek chub, S_atr., 8
Stippled darter, E_pun., 9
Smallmouth bass, M_dol., 10
Logperch, P_cap., 13
Slender madtom, N_exi., 14

6. Using the Cimex lectularius genome (6.1) and mitogenome (6.2), complete the following:

6.1 Create a new file that contains only fasta headers:


# pull all the lines that contain ">" and write it to a new file "fasta_headers_Clec.txt"
grep '>' C_lec.fna > fasta_headers_Clec.txt

Head of the new file:

# print the top 10 lines of the new file to the standard output
head fasta_headers_Clec.txt             

>NM_001316700.2 Cimex lectularius apyrase (LOC106669828), mRNA
>NM_001316702.1 Cimex lectularius NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase (LOC106668336), mRNA
>NM_001316703.1 Cimex lectularius sodium channel protein para (LOC106667833), mRNA
>NM_001316704.1 Cimex lectularius 72 kDa inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase-like (LOC106662976), mRNA
>NM_001316705.1 Cimex lectularius acetylcholinesterase-like (LOC106669386), mRNA
>NM_001316706.1 Cimex lectularius acetylcholinesterase-like (LOC106664272), mRNA
>NM_001316707.1 Cimex lectularius acetylcholinesterase-like (LOC106669436), mRNA
>NM_001316708.1 Cimex lectularius odorant receptor coreceptor (LOC106665376), mRNA
>NM_001316709.1 Cimex lectularius probable cytochrome P450 6d5 (LOC106673892), mRNA
>XM_014383668.2 PREDICTED: Cimex lectularius uncharacterized LOC106674453 (LOC106674453), mRNA

6.2 Create a new file that contains the full sequences of only the ribosomal transcripts or proteins:


# insert a new line inbetween the transcripts | pull out the ribosomal headers and transcripts
sed -e 's/>/ \n>/g' C_lec.fna | sed -n '/ribosom/,/^ /p' > RNA_Clec.txt

Head of the new file:

# list the top 20 lines of the Ribosomal RNA file
head -20 RNA_Clec.txt 

>XM_014383747.2 PREDICTED: Cimex lectularius 60S ribosomal protein L22-like (LOC106660802), mRNA
>XM_014383760.2 PREDICTED: Cimex lectularius 50S ribosomal protein L1 (LOC106660813), mRNA