# create the stacks
clim_stack <- stack(list.files("GIS_Lesson/WORLDCLIM_Rasters/", full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".tif"))
# create a climate stack of 3 layers
my_clim_stack <- stack(
# name the 3 layers based on the website
names(my_clim_stack) <- c("mean_diurnal_range", "temperature_seasonality", "precip_driest_quarter")
# map points and countries
countries <- shapefile("GIS_Lesson/Country_Shapefiles/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp")
# INSTEAD of using the interactive map (because my computer keeps crashing) I created two lists of lat/long data
latitude <- as.numeric(c(61.168242, 49.424353, 47.656614, 39.833776, 44.554496, 39.643866, 51.520097, 52.293428, -31.671278))
longitude <- as.numeric(c(-149.427963, -123.111125, -123.584073, -120.894137, -110.630757, -6.026834, -0.440544, 5.151720, 152.338739))
# bind the data together
my_sites <- as.data.frame(cbind(longitude,latitude))
# now extract the climate values for each point
env <- as.data.frame(extract(my_clim_stack, my_sites))
# join environmental data and your site data
my_sites <- cbind(my_sites, env)
myCrs <- projection(my_clim_stack) # get projection info
# create a new points file
my_sites_shape <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=my_sites, data=my_sites, proj4string=CRS(myCrs))
# add a column to countries data frame with a unique number
countries$id <- 1:nrow(countries)
# see which countries points fall into
my_countries <- over(my_sites_shape, countries)
my_countries <- countries[countries$id %in% my_countries$id, ] #select my countries from the country shape file by id #
# convert shapefile to raster
my_countries_mask <- rasterize(my_countries, my_clim_stack[[2]])
my_countries_mask <- my_countries_mask * 0 + 1 # make all values 1
my_clim_sites <- my_clim_stack[[2]] * my_countries_mask
#points(my_sites_shape, col='red', pch=16)
bg <- as.data.frame(randomPoints(my_clim_stack, n=10000)) # 10,000 random sites
names(bg) <- c('longitude', 'latitude')
# extract environmental variables for the random points
bgEnv <- as.data.frame(extract(my_clim_stack, bg))
bg <- cbind(bg, bgEnv)
# the model
pres_bg <- c(rep(1, nrow(my_sites)), rep(0, nrow(bg)))
train_data <- data.frame(pres_bg=pres_bg, rbind(my_sites, bg))
my_model <- glm(pres_bg ~ mean_diurnal_range*temperature_seasonality*precip_driest_quarter +
I(mean_diurnal_range^2) + I(temperature_seasonality^2) +
I(precip_driest_quarter^2), data=train_data, family='binomial',
weights=c(rep(1, nrow(my_sites)), rep(nrow(my_sites) / nrow(bg), nrow(bg))))
my_world <- predict(
# threshold your "preferred" climate with points highlighted
my_world_thresh <- my_world >= quantile(my_world, 0.75)
points(my_sites_shape, col='red', pch=16)